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Log In

Type the username that was given to you. Type the password that was given to you. Click <html><kbd>Log in</kbd> or <kbd>Sign In</kbd></html>.


This is a word that identifies you. This is usually your full name (with no space). Example: johnbrown,, jainbrown-black, admin1

The only non-letter, non-number character allowed in the username are dots (.), the comercial at ( @ ) and hyphens (-). Your username is not case sensitive, therefore “apple” and “Apple” are considered the same.


This is a sequence of letters, numbers and other characters that protect your account from unauthorized use. Your password is case sensitive, therefore “apple” and “Apple” are considered different. A good and password should:

Do not give your password to anyone. Your school's technical support team will be able to assist you without your password.